The Biggest Mistake You can Make with Facebook Ads

Don’t make this mistake- You don’t want to be that guy. This mistake is a success-killer.  I’m always shocked when it is overlooked or done poorly. What is it? Not having your...

Who should NOT be Advertising on Facebook?

It seems odd that I as a Facebook Advertising Strategist would be talking about who should NOT be doing Facebook ads. But I’m approached by new businesses for help daily and I just want to offer some...

How to Get Over the Fear of Creating Videos

Today we are talking about video and specifically how to get over your fear of being on camera. We have been talking in the past few weeks about how important video is not only in Facebook Ads but in...

How Much Should I Spend on my Facebook Ads?

This is the question I get asked every single day How much should I spend on my Facebook Ads? In this quick video I’ll give you a long and short answer to that. Stick with me to the end, and I’ll give...

The Importance of Facebook Live

Facebook Live is becoming a thing.  The thing.  As Facebook is favoring video in all areas, Facebook Live posts are getting premier status.  This means more visibility, and more reach for your brand...

The Importance of Video in your Facebook Advertising

Video is so important for your business, especially on Facebook, that I’m going to be doing a 2-part series. How is it important, you ask? Facebook is favoring video posts in the newsfeed...