Uncovering Your Profitable Niche in 60 minutes

Finding a profitable business idea is one of the biggest challenges aspiring solopreneurs face and often leads to perfection paralysis. I know, I’ve been there. So, let’s make it easy. Below is...

Summertime schedules for the Solopreneur

Summertime – and the living is easy? Or is it? Solopreneurs can get in their own way regarding time off, vacation, or lightening up. Here are a few areas that you may want to revisit as we approach...

How to Ditch the Feeling of Inadequacy and Thrive as a Solopreneur

Have you ever looked at other successful solopreneurs and thought, “There’s no way I can measure up”? You’re not alone. Feeling inadequate is a surprisingly common experience...

Surgery, networking, and the connection between the 2

I’m 4 weeks post-op from hip replacement surgery. I truly had NO idea how major a surgery this was. I packed the fridge with about a week’s worth of food and assumed I would bounce back 7-10 days...

Elyse Tager of Elyse Tager Success Coach for Solopreneurs Honored As  Alameda’s 2024 Local Business Person Of The Year  

BOSTON, MA: March 5, 2024 — Alignable’s 2024 Local Business Person Of The Year Contest reached unparalleled participation levels, logging a whopping 309,000+ votes, 64,000+ recommendations, and...

8 things that I had to unlearn as a young solopreneur.

I may be feeling my age lately. I’m about to get one of 2 hip replacement surgeries (what??), so I’m seeing the world through a slightly fragile lens. But I also am leaning into being an elder. Age...