This is the question I get asked every single day

How much should I spend on my Facebook Ads?

In this quick video I’ll give you a long and short answer to that. Stick with me to the end, and I’ll give you the sound bite you are waiting for.

My answer, and I know you are not going to want to hear this, is “it depends”

It depends on:

What is your objective?

For any and all these objective you need to know your conversion numbers.

The first campaign that you are doing should be establishing all of these metrics. You know the price of your offer. Now you can back into what you can afford to spend to get a new customer.

Ok ok, but how much should I spend?

Facebook Advertising is not about throwing ads against the wall and hoping for success.

It’s a test and iterate process.

Especially if you want to grow your business – and I’m assuming that’s why you are here.
Think of all the things you can and should be testing.

The more variables you test, the more expensive (but educational) your testing will be.

So let’s lay out a simple strategy.

Test for one week – 7 days. – (It takes Facebook 48 hours for the algorithm to do its job)

Test 5 audiences

Test 2 versions of an ad.

This is already 10 ad-sets, at $5 per day for 7 days. That’s $350.

I rarely test at $5 – it’s too slow and there is not enough data to be reliable. The more data you gather and the faster, the faster can make improvements.

So that initial campaign could be $700.

I usually suggest we start with a budget of $500 at least to establish those important conversion metrics.

If you don’t already know your numbers, this testing period will tell you what your business model can support.

You want to test with a plan, and prepare for the rollout. –

You are NOT throwing a few ads out and watching for the magic. It’s a test and iterate process.

The testing phase it for the purpose of learning as much as you can to prepare you for the rollout process.

What a good strategy should be doing for you

So. Can you spend $5 per day on FB ads? Yes, If you want to grow at a snails pace. I don’t. And none of my clients do.

And that magic number “how much do I have to spend”To be in growth mode and strategic, I would say $350-$700 for your first campaign.

So, if you ARE at that stage of your business and are looking for exponential growth, I’d love to help you.

Click here to schedule a call with me here

No pressure, I promise, just a conversation.

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