Time Blocking Magic: Turning Chaos into Calm

The thought of time blocking may seem like torture to you. Similar to a diet. (And yuk to that!) Too much rigidity Too much discipline Just too much But trust me when I tell you that this has been a...

Tackling Self-Sabotage: A Challenge for Solopreneurs

Entrepreneurship is no easy path. It’s tough enough with external factors such as market trends and competition. But we often underestimate one huge obstacle that entrepreneurs face –...

These 7 mistakes have cost me 10s of thousands of dollars

While building several businesses I did what I thought I needed to do to grow and scale. But I made some very costly mistakes. I mean, big bucks. I’m sharing these with you so you can avoid them...

The 5 Phases of Solopreneurship

Every successful business grows in phases. But growth phases can be harder to consider when you’re in the middle of your own story, operating as a solopreneur. It’s too easy to get lost in the...

My contrarian view of goal setting for 2024

Time to read:  2.4 minutes. Some personal reflections and revelations (Tap tap.is this thing on?) I’ve been mapping out 2024 (haven’t we all?). Here is where I get muddled as I plan for the new year...

Is there a downside to goal setting?

It’s that time of year again when the world is talking about goals for the new year. I’ve got mixed feelings about the whole process. Let’s take a closer look. Here is the upside of goal setting: 1...