New Class on Money Mastery

Is money, or the lack of it, keeping you from growing your business? There may be reasons other than cold hard cash that are holding you back. Join me for a class in Money Mastery to learn how to...

What is a 4 Letter Word that Starts with F?

You have refined your product or services. You have built up your customer or client base. You’re past the “start-up” phase, and well beyond the “break-even” point. You did it all by yourself...

Time Is on Your Side: 5 Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs

It’s not enough to dream of success. It’s not even enough to set goals. At the end of the day, you need to be able to get things done. And, there is so much to get done! The only way to truly achieve...

Build a Business, Not a Job

Many people dream of working for themselves, being their own boss, and having the freedom to only take on clients they want to work with on projects they love. What they don’t realize, however, is...

Solopreneur to CEO – Free Masterclass

When I first started my business I was a one-woman band and proud of it. I loved what I did and thought I could do it all myself. But after 12 months, I was exhausted, my passion was drained, and I...

How to Outsource on a Shoestring Budget

“I just can’t afford to hire! My budget is way too small.” I never push back on the budget-size part of this argument; hundreds of solopreneurs run their amazing businesses on blood, sweat, tears, and...