How to Ditch the Feeling of Inadequacy and Thrive as a Solopreneur

Have you ever looked at other successful solopreneurs and thought, “There’s no way I can measure up”? You’re not alone. Feeling inadequate is a surprisingly common experience, especially among female solopreneurs. But what if I told you this feeling doesn’t have to hold you back? This internal voice telling you you’re not good enough, qualified […]

8 things that I had to unlearn as a young solopreneur.

I may be feeling my age lately. I’m about to get one of 2 hip replacement surgeries (what??), so I’m seeing the world through a slightly fragile lens. But I also am leaning into being an elder. Age and looking in the rearview mirror have a lot to offer. With that in mind I’ve been […]

Tackling Self-Sabotage: A Challenge for Solopreneurs

Self Sabotage

Entrepreneurship is no easy path. It’s tough enough with external factors such as market trends and competition. But we often underestimate one huge obstacle that entrepreneurs face – self-sabotage. This internal struggle can inhibit personal and professional growth, jeopardizing the success of the business. So, let’s explore the concept of self-sabotage, how it shows up […]

My contrarian view of goal setting for 2024


Time to read:  2.4 minutes. Some personal reflections and revelations (Tap tap….is this thing on?) I’ve been mapping out 2024 (haven’t we all?). Here is where I get muddled as I plan for the new year. Looking back for me can create too much undone, yet-to-do chaos. Old files and folders in my computer just […]

YOU Get to Define Success

Peaceful and calm business woman

How do You Define Success? Success is a deeply personal and subjective concept, especially for entrepreneurs. As entrepreneurs we are encouraged to grow,grow, grow! That may not be your jam. Not everyone wants a 6 or 7-figure biz, not everyone wants to build a team. And that’s OK! As an entrepreneur, it’s essential to create […]

Get Your Shizzle Together in the New Year

New year lots of change based on our new reality. Perhaps a new or revised business model. New goals? New priorities? Take the time NOW, at the beginning of the year to take a fresh look at your goals and be sure you have set yourself up for success. In this video I talk about: […]

Are you Charging What You’re Worth?

Let’s just say it: Most women entrepreneurs struggle with pricing. We adore helping others, but when it comes to asking for compensation for that help? We fumble. Sometimes we charge too little out of fear, sometimes we position ourselves in a way that doesn’t show our true value, and sometimes we accidentally trap ourselves in […]

What is a 4 Letter Word that Starts with F?

You have refined your product or services. You have built up your customer or client base. You’re past the “start-up” phase, and well beyond the “break-even” point. You did it all by yourself. Congratulations, your an amazing Solopreneur! Meanwhile, you’re working a 60 hour work week. There is always MORE work to do. You can’t […]

Business Slow? Think Like a Farmer

Last week I talked about a client of mine – a real estate agent going through her slow period. Our work during that time focused on thinking like a farmer – but what does that mean in practice? Do you think all a farmer has to do is wait until fall to harvest truckloads of […]

How NOT to Panic.

At some point, every business owner will find herself in a troubling situation. Revenue is down. New clients are scarce. Profits are falling. Just one peek at the financials is enough to bring on a full-fledged anxiety attack. Unless you’re Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates, chances are you’ve experienced that sinking feeling of a business […]