How Much Should I Spend on my Facebook Ads?

This is the question I get asked every single day How much should I spend on my Facebook Ads? In this quick video I’ll give you a long and short answer to that. Stick with me to the end, and I’ll give you the sound bite you are waiting for. My answer, and I know […]

Facebook Strategy vs. Facebook Ads

There is a difference between “dabbling” with Facebook ads and having a well crafted, results oriented, long term strategy. You will need patience, tenacity, and a bit of Sherlock Holmes to make it all hum.  But once it does, you will have an endless stream of prospects, leads, clients and revenue.  

Facebook Live

Just introducing myself and my services on Facebook Live and answer the question – just what IS a Facebook Ads Strategist. I’m on Facebook every Friday at 11 am Pacific time with a FB Live focusing on various aspects of Facebook advertising, and growing your business.  Join me any Friday on my Facebook Page.