Creating Visibility: Do Your Customers Even Know You Exist?

Visibility means having your entrepreneurial business be visible to the audience you want to serve. This means being in front of them in any number of ways and creating a strategy for promoting brand awareness that is custom-made for the stage of development your business is in. This week, I will walk you through two […]

Do You Hate Sales? Then Don’t Sell.

I used to dread the thought of selling. It didn’t fit my personality; I hated feeling spammy or pushy. I just dreaded the whole process. But business doesn’t happen, and revenue doesn’t come in, without the selling. The game changer for me was moving from selling to inviting. It’s an offer, not a push. Need […]

Do You Have the Right Team for Growing Your Biz?

This week I’m starting a series on team building for business growth. I’ll be touching on job descriptions, the hiring process, onboarding, performance reviews, the firing process, and more…Stay tuned! Today, we will get started with an overview of why the right team is critical to success and a few strategies to start to evaluate […]

Has Content Creation Become a Chore? You Need a System.

My biz is content heavy. In January of 2018, I made a commitment to doing a weekly blog post.  Talk about a stretch goal! This seemed absolutely impossible, as the most I had been able to do previously was a post every 3-4 weeks.  But I knew that consistency builds visibility, fans, and engagement. I […]

Imposter Syndrome – Flip the Script!

  When I start working with clients, one of the first subjects we deal with is mindset. One of the topics that always, always comes up for the female entrepreneur is “Who am I to think I can do this?” …or teach this, or provide this service, or whatever. The fear is all the same. […]

Know Your Numbers

I know. It feels like hopping on the scale. That dreaded moment that many women agonize over (me too!) when they get on the scale to check their weight. Time’s up! Was I good, or bad? Is there shame or self-doubt? Jubilation? Body image aside, we need to get over that fear regarding our businesses. […]

Fastest Path to Growth? Tap Into Your Network

What do you envision when you think of growing your business? Typically it’s new leads or prospecting. But most of us do a really crummy job of utilizing that asset called our network, or our Biz Besties, to really help us grow. What is a Biz Bestie? You may have met recently or known each […]

CEO Time – Is it on Your Calendar?

Ah – time to plan…when is there ever enough time to stand back and just think? I may sound like a broken record, but putting a non-negotiable block of time on your calendar for CEO time is the only way this is going to happen. As entrepreneurs, especially during growth surges, it is easy to […]

Create a Strategy? But I’ve got one!

Hold up! Let’s pick that one apart. Did you actually start with a well thought out strategy about your business for the first year or so, or did you just jump right into your passion? Most entrepreneurs dive into their business because they have a burning desire to teach, coach, provide a service, or sell a […]

From Chaos to Clarity – My Story

Businesses evolve and grow, and mine is no exception. I had been providing Facebook Ad Strategy and implementation up until a few months ago. (Why look; my last blog post and newsletter was in June of 2017! Not good.) But I began to realize this business model just was not working for me.   The […]